Ipswitch IMail 5.0 – Whois32 Daemon Buffer Overflow (Denial of Service) (PoC) admin 4年前发布 关注 私信 250 Ipswitch IMail 5.0 – Whois32 Daemon Buffer Overflow (Denial of Service) (PoC) 漏洞ID 1053387 漏洞类型 发布时间 1999-03-01 更新时间 1999-03-01 CVE编号 N/A CNNVD-ID N/A 漏洞平台 Multiple CVSS评分 N/A |漏洞来源 https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/19382 |漏洞详情 漏洞细节尚未披露 |漏洞EXP source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/506/info IMail's whois server can be crashed due to an unchecked buffer. Telnet to target machine, port 43 Send glob1 Where glob1 is 1000 characters. 相关推荐: Linux libc NLSPATH Vulnerability Linux libc NLSPATH Vulnerability 漏洞ID 1104985 漏洞类型 Boundary Condition Error 发布时间 1998-01-19 更新时间 1998-01-19 CVE编号 N/A CNNVD-ID N/A… © 版权声明文章版权归作者所有,未经允许请勿转载。THE END关于# 漏洞# ipswitch# imail喜欢就支持一下吧点赞0 分享收藏0