- 图种的制作
copy /b 1.zip+2.jpg out.jpg
- 解决办法
- 用stegsolve工具的Gray bits模块一张张查看
- 也可以使用python脚本
- Analyse–Frame Brower
file format:文件格式,主要查看图片的具体信息
data extract:数据抽取,图片中隐藏数据的抽取
frame browser:帧浏览器,是对gif格式的动图进行分解,动图变成一张张图片
image combiner:拼接图片
在压缩源文件数据区有2个字节的 全局方式位标记,在压缩源文件目录区也有2字节的 全局方式位标记,都用以标记是否加密。
若是没有加密的zip,它的压缩文件数据区的全局方式位标记和压缩源文件目录区的全局方式位标记都是00 00
加密的zip两次都不是00 00,一般是01 00,但是不同版本的压缩软件或是算法,这里的值可能有不同,比如:09 00
那么把未加密的zip压缩源文件目录区的全局方式位标记改成01 00(09 00)的话,压缩软件就认为是加密的,就是所谓的伪加密。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# 5bytes CRC32import itertoolsimport binasciiimport string class crc32_reverse_class(object): # the code is modified from https://github.com/theonlypwner/crc32/blob/master/crc32.py def __init__(self, crc32, length, tbl=string.printable, poly=0xEDB88320, accum=0): self.char_set = set(map(ord, tbl)) self.crc32 = crc32 self.length = length self.poly = poly self.accum = accum self.table = [] self.table_reverse = [] def init_tables(self, poly, reverse=True): # build CRC32 table for i in range(256): for j in range(8): if i & 1: i >>= 1 i ^= poly else: i >>= 1 self.table.append(i) assert len(self.table) == 256, "table is wrong size" # build reverse table if reverse: found_none = set() found_multiple = set() for i in range(256): found = [] for j in range(256): if self.table[j] >> 24 == i: found.append(j) self.table_reverse.append(tuple(found)) if not found: found_none.add(i) elif len(found) > 1: found_multiple.add(i) assert len(self.table_reverse) == 256, "reverse table is wrong size" def rangess(self, i): return ', '.join(map(lambda x: '[{0},{1}]'.format(*x), self.ranges(i))) def ranges(self, i): for kg in itertools.groupby(enumerate(i), lambda x: x[1] - x[0]): g = list(kg[1]) yield g[0][1], g[-1][1] def calc(self, data, accum=0): accum = ~accum for b in data: accum = self.table[(accum ^ b) & 0xFF] ^ ((accum >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF) accum = ~accum return accum & 0xFFFFFFFF def findReverse(self, desired, accum): solutions = set() accum = ~accum stack = [(~desired,)] while stack: node = stack.pop() for j in self.table_reverse[(node[0] >> 24) & 0xFF]: if len(node) == 4: a = accum data = [] node = node[1:] + (j,) for i in range(3, -1, -1): data.append((a ^ node) & 0xFF) a >>= 8 a ^= self.table[node] solutions.add(tuple(data)) else: stack.append(((node[0] ^ self.table[j]) << 8,) + node[1:] + (j,)) return solutions def dfs(self, length, outlist=['']): tmp_list = [] if length == 0: return outlist for list_item in outlist: tmp_list.extend([list_item + chr(x) for x in self.char_set]) return self.dfs(length - 1, tmp_list) def run_reverse(self): # initialize tables self.init_tables(self.poly) # find reverse bytes desired = self.crc32 accum = self.accum # 4-byte patch if self.length >= 4: patches = self.findReverse(desired, accum) for patch in patches: checksum = self.calc(patch, accum) print 'verification checksum: 0x{0:08x} ({1})'.format( checksum, 'OK' if checksum == desired else 'ERROR') for item in self.dfs(self.length - 4): patch = map(ord, item) patches = self.findReverse(desired, self.calc(patch, accum)) for last_4_bytes in patches: if all(p in self.char_set for p in last_4_bytes): patch.extend(last_4_bytes) print '[find]: {1} ({0})'.format( 'OK' if self.calc(patch, accum) == desired else 'ERROR', ''.join(map(chr, patch))) else: for item in self.dfs(self.length): if crc32(item) == desired: print '[find]: {0} (OK)'.format(item) def crc32_reverse(crc32, length, char_set=string.printable, poly=0xEDB88320, accum=0): ''' :param crc32: the crc32 you wnat to reverse :param length: the plaintext length :param char_set: char_set :param poly: poly , default 0xEDB88320 :param accum: accum , default 0 :return: none ''' obj = crc32_reverse_class(crc32, length, char_set, poly, accum) obj.run_reverse() def crc32(s): ''' :param s: the string to calculate the crc32 :return: the crc32 ''' return binascii.crc32(s) & 0xffffffff l=[0x397E0355] for k in l: crc32_reverse(k,5) print '======='
#!/usr/bin/env python# CRC32 tools by Victor 6bytes import argparseimport osimport sys permitted_characters = set( map(ord, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890_')) # \w testing = False args = None def get_poly(): poly = parse_dword(args.poly) if args.msb: poly = reverseBits(poly) check32(poly) return poly def get_input(): if args.instr: return tuple(map(ord, args.instr)) with args.infile as f: # pragma: no cover return tuple(map(ord, f.read())) def out(msg): if not testing: # pragma: no cover args.outfile.write(msg) args.outfile.write(os.linesep) table = [] table_reverse = [] def init_tables(poly, reverse=True): global table, table_reverse table = [] # build CRC32 table for i in range(256): for j in range(8): if i & 1: i >>= 1 i ^= poly else: i >>= 1 table.append(i) assert len(table) == 256, "table is wrong size" # build reverse table if reverse: table_reverse = [] found_none = set() found_multiple = set() for i in range(256): found = [] for j in range(256): if table[j] >> 24 == i: found.append(j) table_reverse.append(tuple(found)) if not found: found_none.add(i) elif len(found) > 1: found_multiple.add(i) assert len(table_reverse) == 256, "reverse table is wrong size" if found_multiple: out('WARNING: Multiple table entries have an MSB in {0}'.format( rangess(found_multiple))) if found_none: out('ERROR: no MSB in the table equals bytes in {0}'.format( rangess(found_none))) def calc(data, accum=0): accum = ~accum for b in data: accum = table[(accum ^ b) & 0xFF] ^ ((accum >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF) accum = ~accum return accum & 0xFFFFFFFF def rewind(accum, data): if not data: return (accum,) stack = [(len(data), ~accum)] solutions = set() while stack: node = stack.pop() prev_offset = node[0] - 1 for i in table_reverse[(node[1] >> 24) & 0xFF]: prevCRC = (((node[1] ^ table) << 8) | (i ^ data[prev_offset])) & 0xFFFFFFFF if prev_offset: stack.append((prev_offset, prevCRC)) else: solutions.add((~prevCRC) & 0xFFFFFFFF) return solutions def findReverse(desired, accum): solutions = set() accum = ~accum stack = [(~desired,)] while stack: node = stack.pop() for j in table_reverse[(node[0] >> 24) & 0xFF]: if len(node) == 4: a = accum data = [] node = node[1:] + (j,) for i in range(3, -1, -1): data.append((a ^ node) & 0xFF) a >>= 8 a ^= table[node] solutions.add(tuple(data)) else: stack.append(((node[0] ^ table[j]) << 8,) + node[1:] + (j,)) return solutions # Tools def parse_dword(x): return int(x, 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF def reverseBits(x): # http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ReverseParallel # http://stackoverflow.com/a/20918545 x = ((x & 0x55555555) << 1) | ((x & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1) x = ((x & 0x33333333) << 2) | ((x & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2) x = ((x & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4) | ((x & 0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4) x = ((x & 0x00FF00FF) << 8) | ((x & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8) x = ((x & 0x0000FFFF) << 16) | ((x & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16) return x & 0xFFFFFFFF # Compatibility with Python 2.6 and earlier.if hasattr(int, "bit_length"): def bit_length(num): return num.bit_length()else: def bit_length(n): if n == 0: return 0 bits = -32 m = 0 while n: m = n n >>= 32 bits += 32 while m: m >>= 1 bits += 1 return bits def check32(poly): if poly & 0x80000000 == 0: out('WARNING: polynomial degree ({0}) != 32'.format(bit_length(poly))) out(' instead, try') out(' 0x{0:08x} (reversed/lsbit-first)'.format(poly | 0x80000000)) out(' 0x{0:08x} (normal/msbit-first)'.format(reverseBits(poly | 0x80000000))) def reciprocal(poly): ''' Return the reversed reciprocal (Koopman notatation) polynomial of a reversed (lsbit-first) polynomial ''' return reverseBits((poly << 1) | 1) def print_num(num): ''' Write a numeric result in various forms ''' out('hex: 0x{0:08x}'.format(num)) out('dec: {0:d}'.format(num)) out('oct: 0o{0:011o}'.format(num)) out('bin: 0b{0:032b}'.format(num)) import itertools def ranges(i): for kg in itertools.groupby(enumerate(i), lambda x: x[1] - x[0]): g = list(kg[1]) yield g[0][1], g[-1][1] def rangess(i): return ', '.join(map(lambda x: '[{0},{1}]'.format(*x), ranges(i))) # Parsers def get_parser(): ''' Return the command-line parser ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Reverse, undo, and calculate CRC32 checksums") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(metavar='action') poly_flip_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) subparser_group = poly_flip_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() subparser_group.add_argument( '-m', '--msbit', dest="msb", action='store_true', help='treat the polynomial as normal (msbit-first)') subparser_group.add_argument('-l', '--lsbit', action='store_false', help='treat the polynomial as reversed (lsbit-first) [default]') desired_poly_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) desired_poly_parser.add_argument( 'desired', type=str, help='[int] desired checksum') default_poly_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) default_poly_parser.add_argument( 'poly', default='0xEDB88320', type=str, nargs='?', help='[int] polynomial [default: 0xEDB88320]') accum_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) accum_parser.add_argument( 'accum', type=str, help='[int] accumulator (final checksum)') default_accum_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) default_accum_parser.add_argument( 'accum', default='0', type=str, nargs='?', help='[int] starting accumulator [default: 0]') outfile_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) outfile_parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', metavar="f", type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout, help="Output to a file instead of stdout") infile_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) subparser_group = infile_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() subparser_group.add_argument('-i', '--infile', metavar="f", type=argparse.FileType('rb'), default=sys.stdin, help="Input from a file instead of stdin") subparser_group.add_argument('-s', '--str', metavar="s", type=str, default='', dest='instr', help="Use a string as input") subparser = subparsers.add_parser('flip', parents=[outfile_parser], help="flip the bits to convert normal(msbit-first) polynomials to reversed (lsbit-first) and vice versa") subparser.add_argument('poly', type=str, help='[int] polynomial') subparser.set_defaults( func=lambda: print_num(reverseBits(parse_dword(args.poly)))) subparser = subparsers.add_parser('reciprocal', parents=[outfile_parser], help="find the reciprocal (Koopman notation) of a reversed (lsbit-first) polynomial and vice versa") subparser.add_argument('poly', type=str, help='[int] polynomial') subparser.set_defaults(func=reciprocal_callback) subparser = subparsers.add_parser('table', parents=[outfile_parser, poly_flip_parser, default_poly_parser], help="generate a lookup table for a polynomial") subparser.set_defaults(func=table_callback) subparser = subparsers.add_parser('reverse', parents=[ outfile_parser, poly_flip_parser, desired_poly_parser, default_accum_parser, default_poly_parser], help="find a patch that causes the CRC32 checksum to become a desired value") subparser.set_defaults(func=reverse_callback) subparser = subparsers.add_parser('undo', parents=[ outfile_parser, poly_flip_parser, accum_parser, default_poly_parser, infile_parser], help="rewind a CRC32 checksum") subparser.add_argument('-n', '--len', metavar='l', type=str, default='0', help='[int] number of bytes to rewind [default: 0]') subparser.set_defaults(func=undo_callback) subparser = subparsers.add_parser('calc', parents=[ outfile_parser, poly_flip_parser, default_accum_parser, default_poly_parser, infile_parser], help="calculate the CRC32 checksum") subparser.set_defaults(func=calc_callback) return parser def reciprocal_callback(): poly = parse_dword(args.poly) check32(poly) print_num(reciprocal(poly)) def table_callback(): # initialize tables init_tables(get_poly(), False) # print table out('[{0}]'.format(', '.join(map('0x{0:08x}'.format, table)))) def reverse_callback(): # initialize tables init_tables(get_poly()) # find reverse bytes desired = parse_dword(args.desired) accum = parse_dword(args.accum) # 4-byte patch patches = findReverse(desired, accum) for patch in patches: out('4 bytes: {{0x{0:02x}, 0x{1:02x}, 0x{2:02x}, 0x{3:02x}}}'.format(*patch)) checksum = calc(patch, accum) out('verification checksum: 0x{0:08x} ({1})'.format( checksum, 'OK' if checksum == desired else 'ERROR')) # 6-byte alphanumeric patches for i in permitted_characters: for j in permitted_characters: patch = [i, j] patches = findReverse(desired, calc(patch, accum)) for last_4_bytes in patches: if all(p in permitted_characters for p in last_4_bytes): patch.extend(last_4_bytes) out('alternative: {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6} ({0})'.format( 'OK' if calc(patch, accum) == desired else 'ERROR', *map(chr, patch))) def undo_callback(): # initialize tables init_tables(get_poly()) # calculate checksum accum = parse_dword(args.accum) maxlen = int(args.len, 0) data = get_input() if not 0 < maxlen <= len(data): maxlen = len(data) out('rewinded {0}/{1} ({2:.2f}%)'.format(maxlen, len(data), maxlen * 100.0 / len(data) if len(data) else 100)) for solution in rewind(accum, data[-maxlen:]): out('') print_num(solution) def calc_callback(): # initialize tables init_tables(get_poly(), False) # calculate checksum accum = parse_dword(args.accum) data = get_input() out('data len: {0}'.format(len(data))) out('') print_num(calc(data, accum)) def main(argv=None): ''' Runs the program and handles command line options ''' parser = get_parser() # Parse arguments and run the function global args args = parser.parse_args(argv) args.func() if __name__ == '__main__': main() # pragma: no cover
音频相关的题有mp3隐写,波形隐写,lsb隐写,频谱隐写等 使用工具:
mp3stego 将需要加密的数据压缩加密隐写藏在MP3文件中
video to picture可以将视频的每帧提转成图片
QR Research ctf 常用的二维码识别软件
mangeMagick 免费创建、编辑、合成图片的软件
encode -E hidden_text.txt -P pass svega.wavsvega_stego.mp3
- 用audacity工具打开,能够看到的。
来源:freebuf.com 2020-11-11 13:50:13 by: ATL安全团队