开源POC框架学习2 — POC-T篇
1. 概要
ps: 这篇写的比较水, emm…
- 熟悉项目,基本的使用、POC的编写
- 熟悉代码逻辑,理清大致的设计思路
- 尝试将代码迁移到Python3,移除gevent依赖(下一篇,等待迁移完,写这一部分)
2. 基本的使用
2.1. 项目结构
├─data // 数据存放目录,项目默认带了 pass100、pass1000、user-agents ├─doc // 文档与版权声明 ├─lib // 项目代码 │ ├─api // 搜索引擎接口 │ │ ├─fofa │ │ ├─google │ │ ├─shodan │ │ └─zoomeye │ ├─controller // api engine loder │ ├─core // 核心代码 │ ├─parse // 命令行参数解析 │ └─utils // 一些工具函数 ├─output // 执行结果会保存到这个路径下 ├─plugin // 一些独立的小功能 ├─script // 存放poc的目录 └─thirdparty // 使用的第三方依赖库 ├─ansistrm ├─colorama ├─httplib2 ├─IPy ├─odict └─termcolor
2.2. 快速入门
git clone https://github.com/Xyntax/POC-T pip install -r requirement.txt python POC-T.py usage: python POC-T.py -s bingc -aZ "port:8080" powered by cdxy <mail:[email protected]> ENGINE: -eT Multi-Threaded engine (default choice) -eG Gevent engine (single-threaded with asynchronous) -t NUM num of threads/concurrent, 10 by default SCRIPT: -s NAME load script by name (-s jboss-rce) or path (-s ./script/jboss.py) TARGET: -iS TARGET scan a single target (e.g. www.wooyun.org) -iF FILE load targets from targetFile (e.g. ./data/wooyun_domain) -iA START-END generate array from int(start) to int(end) (e.g. 1-100) -iN IP/MASK generate IP from IP/MASK. (e.g. API: -aZ DORK, --zoomeye DORK ZoomEye dork (e.g. "zabbix port:8080") -aS DORK, --shodan DORK Shodan dork. -aG DORK, --google DORK Google dork (e.g. "inurl:admin.php") -aF DORK, --fofa DORK FoFa dork (e.g. "banner=users && protocol=ftp") --limit NUM Maximum searching results (default:10) --offset OFFSET Search offset to begin getting results from (default:0) --search-type TYPE [ZoomEye] search type used in ZoomEye API, web or host (default:host) --gproxy PROXY [Google] Use proxy for Google (e.g. "sock5 7070" or "http 1894" OUTPUT: -o FILE output file path&name. default in ./output/ -oF, --no-file disable file output -oS, --no-screen disable screen output MISC: --single exit after finding the first victim/password. --show show available script names in ./script/ and exit --browser Open notepad or web browser to view report after task finished. SYSTEM: -v, --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit --update update POC-T from github source
eg. 测试是否存在redis未授权访问
python POC-T.py -s redis-unauth.py -aS "port:6379 country:cn" __/ ____ ____ _____ ______/ __/ / __ \ / __ \ / ___/ ____ /__ __/_/ / /_/ / / /_/ / / /___ /___/ / / / /___/ \____/ \____/ / / /_/ /_/ { Version 2.0.5 by cdxy mail:[email protected] } [+] Load custom script: redis-unauth.py [+] Initialize targets... [*] Activate Shodan API [*] Trying to login with credentials in config file: C:\Users\t25\Desktop\POC-3T\toolkit.conf. [!] Automatic authorization failed. [*] Please input your Shodan API Key (https://account.shodan.io/). API KEY > A3JeaQIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkssMSDzZ [*] Available Shodan query credits: 99 [+] Total: 10 [+] Set the number of concurrent: 10
2.3. POC的编写
示例poc: reids未授权访问 redis-unauth.py
""" redis未授权访问PoC (host2IP函数使用场景示例) Usage python POC-T.py -s redis-unauth.py -aZ "port:6379 country:cn" """ import socket from plugin.util import host2IP // poc脚本里只需要实现poc()函数 def poc(url): url = host2IP(url) # 自动判断输入格式,并将URL转为IP port = int(url.split(':')[-1]) if ':' in url else 6379 # 不指定端口则为默认端口 payload = '\x2a\x31\x0d\x0a\x24\x34\x0d\x0a\x69\x6e\x66\x6f\x0d\x0a' s = socket.socket() socket.setdefaulttimeout(10) try: host = url.split(':')[0] s.connect((host, port)) s.send(payload) recvdata = s.recv(1024) s.close() if recvdata and 'redis_version' in recvdata: return True except Exception: pass return False
3. 核心代码逻辑
3.1. main函数
from lib.utils import versioncheck # this has to be the first non-standard import from lib.cli import main if __name__ == '__main__': main()
lib.cli 中的main(), 先解析命令行参数,然后根据命令行参数进行初始化设置,然后加载poc、目标,并发执行poc,输出执行结果。
def main(): """ Main function of POC-T when running from command line. """ try: paths.ROOT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) try: os.path.isdir(paths.ROOT_PATH) except UnicodeEncodeError: errMsg = "your system does not properly handle non-ASCII paths. " errMsg += "Please move the project root directory to another location" logger.error(errMsg) raise SystemExit setPaths() # 设置全局变量paths(一个继承自dict的类的实例对象) cmdLineOptions.update(cmdLineParser().__dict__) # 使用argpars解析命令行参数,并设置cmdLineOptions(同样是一个继承自dict的类的实例对象)) initOptions(cmdLineOptions) # 根据传入的命令行参数,进行初始化操作 if IS_WIN: winowsColorInit() # windows下终端颜色初始化 banner() # 打印banner loadModule() # 加载poc loadPayloads() # 加载目标 run() # 初始化并发引擎,并进行扫描 if conf.OPEN_BROWSER: openBrowser() systemQuit(EXIT_STATUS.SYSETM_EXIT)
3.2. 加载poc
loadModule() 加载poc,通过poc文件名使用imp模块加载对应的模块。核心就两个函数imp.find_module()、imp.load_module(),poc对象被放到的全局变量th.module_obj中。
def loadModule(): _name = conf.MODULE_NAME msg = 'Load custom script: %s' % _name logger.success(msg) fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(os.path.splitext(_name)[0], [paths.SCRIPT_PATH]) # 查找module try: th.module_obj = imp.load_module("_", fp, pathname, description) # 加载modul for each in ESSENTIAL_MODULE_METHODS: if not hasattr(th.module_obj, each): errorMsg = "Can't find essential method:'%s()' in current script,Please modify your script/PoC." sys.exit(logger.error(errorMsg)) except ImportError, e: errorMsg = "Your current scipt [%s.py] caused this exception\n%s\n%s" \ % (_name, '[Error Msg]: ' + str(e), 'Maybe you can download this module from pip or easy_install') sys.exit(logger.error(errorMsg))
3.3. 加载扫描目标
loadPayloads() 支持通过多种方式加载目标 int_mode()、file_mode()、net_mode()、single_target_mode()、api_mode()。解析传入的参数,将最终的扫描目标添加到th.queue中。
def loadPayloads(): infoMsg = 'Initialize targets...' logger.success(infoMsg) th.queue = Queue.Queue() # 初始化全局对象,这是一个队列 if conf.TARGET_MODE is TARGET_MODE_STATUS.RANGE: int_mode() elif conf.TARGET_MODE is TARGET_MODE_STATUS.FILE: file_mode() elif conf.TARGET_MODE is TARGET_MODE_STATUS.IPMASK: net_mode() elif conf.TARGET_MODE is TARGET_MODE_STATUS.SINGLE: single_target_mode() elif conf.TARGET_MODE is TARGET_MODE_STATUS.API: api_mode() else: raise ToolkitValueException('conf.TARGET_MODE value ERROR.') logger.success('Total: %s' % str(th.queue.qsize()))
def api_mode(): conf.API_OUTPUT = os.path.join(paths.DATA_PATH, conf.API_MODE) if not os.path.exists(conf.API_OUTPUT): os.mkdir(conf.API_OUTPUT) # 调用对应的api,将获取到的扫描目标写入的data/xxx/xxx.txt。 file = runApi() # runApi里面根据参数,选择对应的api获取扫描目标 # 遍历文本文件,将扫描目标添加到th.queue中 for line in open(file): sub = line.strip() if sub: th.queue.put(sub)
3.4. 并发引擎
def scan(): while 1: # 死循环,不断从th.queue中取目标进行扫描 if th.thread_mode: th.load_lock.acquire() if th.queue.qsize() > 0 and th.is_continue: payload = str(th.queue.get(timeout=1.0)) if th.thread_mode: th.load_lock.release() else: if th.thread_mode: th.load_lock.release() break try: # POC在执行时报错如果不被处理,线程框架会停止并退出 status = th.module_obj.poc(payload) # 调用对应xxx.py的poc()函数 resultHandler(status, payload) # 处理返回结果 except Exception: th.errmsg = traceback.format_exc() th.is_continue = False changeScanCount(1) if th.s_flag: printProgress() if th.s_flag: printProgress() changeThreadCount(-1) def run(): initEngine() # 初始化 if conf.ENGINE is ENGINE_MODE_STATUS.THREAD: for i in range(th.threads_num): t = threading.Thread(target=scan, name=str(i)) # 创建一个线程执行scan() setThreadDaemon(t) t.start() # It can quit with Ctrl-C while 1: if th.thread_count > 0 and th.is_continue: time.sleep(0.01) else: break elif conf.ENGINE is ENGINE_MODE_STATUS.GEVENT: from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() import gevent while th.queue.qsize() > 0 and th.is_continue: # 使用gevent创建协程执行scan() gevent.joinall([gevent.spawn(scan) for i in xrange(0, th.threads_num) if th.queue.qsize() > 0]) dataToStdout('\n') if 'errmsg' in th: logger.error(th.errmsg) if th.found_single: msg = "[single-mode] found!" logger.info(msg) def resultHandler(status, payload): if not status or status is POC_RESULT_STATUS.FAIL: return elif status is POC_RESULT_STATUS.RETRAY: changeScanCount(-1) th.queue.put(payload) # 将目标重新加入到th.queue中,进行重试 return elif status is True or status is POC_RESULT_STATUS.SUCCESS: msg = payload else: msg = str(status) changeFoundCount(1) if th.s_flag: printMessage(msg) if th.f_flag: output2file(msg) if th.single_mode: singleMode()
4. 小结
来源:freebuf.com 2020-05-26 22:57:55 by: zmf963
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