Portix-PHP 0.4 – Cookie Manipulation

Portix-PHP 0.4 – Cookie Manipulation

漏洞ID 1053565 漏洞类型
发布时间 2002-02-04 更新时间 2002-02-04
图片[1]-Portix-PHP 0.4 – Cookie Manipulation-安全小百科CVE编号 N/A
图片[2]-Portix-PHP 0.4 – Cookie Manipulation-安全小百科CNNVD-ID N/A
漏洞平台 PHP CVSS评分 N/A
source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/4041/info

Portix-PHP is freely available web portal software. It is written in PHP and will run on most Unix and Linux variants.

Portix-PHP uses non-expiring cookies for session management. It is possible for a malicious user to manipulate values in their cookie to gain access to administrative pages on the web portal.

Successful hijacking of the administrative account will permit the malicious user to access all of the web portal's administrative facilities.

Change the values in the stored cookie to the following:

name=access value=ok

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