Magisk 就是这样一款无需介绍的生根应用程序。无系统、无缝生根,能够使用游戏、银行等应用程序,这是只有 Magisk 才能提供的。如果您有 OnePlus 6/6T 设备,并且正在寻找使用 Magisk 对其进行 root 的方法,这里有一份完整的救援指南。
在本文中,我们将与您分享所有使用Magisk 和不使用 TWRP 恢复来root OnePlus 6/6T的方法!请注意,以下方法最适用于运行 Android 10 和 Android 9 PS 的 OP 6/6T 设备。向下滚动以查看如何 Root OnePlus 6/6T –
生根是一个艰难的过程,需要基本的知识才能执行。如果您不了解生根程序,请不要按照以下步骤操作。生根可能会导致数据丢失,最终导致设备变砖并使手机保修失效。对于按照以下步骤对您的设备造成的任何损失,我们 概不负责。以下方法仅用于知识目的。
生根 OnePlus 6/ 6T 涉及 3 个基本步骤 –
- 下载适用于您设备上安装的 OxygenOS 版本的库存启动映像。
- 使用 Magisk Manager 修补库存启动映像。
- 将生成的 Magisk 修补启动映像刷入您的 OnePlus 6/6T 以获取根目录。
要求 –
- 对您的设备数据进行完整备份。
- 解锁您的 OnePlus设备的引导程序。
- 安装最新的OnePlus USB 驱动程序。
- 下载并安装最新的Android SDK 平台工具。您还可以下载最小的 ADB 和 Fastboot 工具。
根据您的设备型号和 Oxygen OS 版本下载以下库存图片。
OnePlus 6 (代号:enchilada)
稳定的 –
- OxygenOS 10.3.0:stock_boot_oos_10.3.0_oneplus6.img
- OxygenOS 10.0.1: stock_boot_oos_10.0.1_oneplus6.img
- OxygenOS 10:stock_boot_oos_10_oneplus6.img
- OxygenOS 9.0.9:stock_boot_oos_9.0.9_oneplus6.img
- OxygenOS 9.0.8:stock_boot_oos_9.0.8_oneplus6.img
公测版 –
- OxygenOS 10 公开测试版 3:stock_boot_oos_10_ob3_oneplus6.img
- OxygenOS 10 公测版 2:stock_boot_oos_10_ob2_oneplus6.img
- OxygenOS 10 公开测试版 1:stock_boot_oos_10_ob1_oneplus6.img
一加6T (代号:fajita)
稳定的 –
- OxygenOS 10.3.0:stock_boot_oos_10.3.0_oneplus6t.img
- OxygenOS 10.0.1:stock_boot_oos_10.0.1_oneplus6t.img
- OxygenOS 10:stock_boot_oos_10_oneplus6t.img
- OxygenOS 9.0.17:stock_boot_oos_9.0.17_oneplus6t.img
- OxygenOS 9.0.16:stock_boot_oos_9.0.16_oneplus6t.img
公测版 –
- OxygenOS 10 公开测试版 3:stock_boot_oos_10_ob3_oneplus6t.img
- OxygenOS 10 Open Beta 2: stock_boot_oos_10_ob2_oneplus6t.img
- OxygenOS 10 Open Beta 1: stock_boot_oos_10_ob1_oneplus6t.img
Patch Stock Boot Image using Magisk Manager
- In order to patch stock image with the help of Magisk Manager, you will have to first download a stock image as per your device model and OS version from the download links mentioned above.
- Now using USB Cable, connect your device to the PC.
- Move the downloaded stock boot image to the storage of your device.
- Download latest Magisk Manager APK and install it on your device.
- Now go to the app drawer and launch Magisk Manager app.
- Click on ‘Install>Install> Select and Patch a file’.
- Choose the Stock boot image file so as to patch it with Magisk.
That is it. Soon Magisk Manager will patch the stock boot image. You will find this patched boot image in the Download folder of our device’s internal storage.
Flash Magisk Patched Boot Image to Root OnePlus 6/6T
- First of all, connect your OnePlus 6/6T to the PC with the help of USB cable.
- Now transfer the patched boot image (magisk_patched.img) from the phone to the folder on your PC where the Android SDK platform-tools are installed. For example – ‘C:platform-tools’ in Windows or ‘Documents/platform-tools’ in macOS/Linux.
- Switch off your OnePlus 6/6T.
- Hold Volume Up and Power buttons together to enter Fastboot Mode on your device.
- Again connect your device to the PC while it is in Fastboot Mode.
- Launch the command-line window on your PC.
- Enter the below command so as to make sure that your phone is successfully being detected by the PC over fastboot –
fastboot devices
- Once you see your device in the detected section, enter the below command to flash the patched boot image –
fastboot flash boot magisk_patched.img
- After this file is flashed, you can reboot your phone by entering the below command –
fastboot reboot
That’s it! You have successfully rooted your OnePlus 6/6T device without TWRP using Magisk! Your OnePlus 6/6T will now boot into the system OS and will be rooted with Magisk.
I hope you have easily followed the above steps. In case of any doubts, feel free to let us know in the comment section below. We will be glad to help you!
Happy Anroiding:-)
相关推荐: 使用 Magisk (无 TWRP) Root OnePlus 6/6T
Magisk 就是这样一款无需介绍的生根应用程序。无系统、无缝生根,能够使用游戏、银行等应用程序,这是只有 Magisk 才能提供的。如果您有 OnePlus 6/6T 设备,并且正在寻找使用 Magisk 对其进行 root 的方法,这里有一份完整的救援指南…