#!/usr/bin/env python # Designed for use with boofuzz v0.0.8 from boofuzz import * def main(): """ This example is a very simple FTP fuzzer. It uses no process monitory (procmon) and assumes that the FTP server is already running. """ session = Session( target=Target( connection=SocketConnection("", 21, proto='tcp'))) s_initialize("user") s_string("USER") s_delim(" ") s_string("anonymous") s_static("\r\n") s_initialize("pass") s_string("PASS") s_delim(" ") s_string("james") s_static("\r\n") s_initialize("stor") s_string("STOR") s_delim(" ") s_string("AAAA") s_static("\r\n") s_initialize("retr") s_string("RETR") s_delim(" ") s_string("AAAA") s_static("\r\n") session.connect(s_get("user")) session.connect(s_get("user"), s_get("pass")) session.connect(s_get("pass"), s_get("stor")) session.connect(s_get("pass"), s_get("retr")) session.fuzz() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
如果你之前使用Sulley的话对这些语法你肯定不会陌生作者也在github上给出了说明:Boofuzz is a fork of and the successor to the venerable Sulley fuzzing framework. Besides numerous bug fixes, boofuzz aims for extensibility. The goal: fuzz everything.
整个代码中最关键的就是s_*系列函数。 我们一步一步深入到内部结构中去看。
def s_initialize(name):
Initialize a new block request. All blocks / primitives generated after this call apply to the named request.
Use s_switch() to jump between factories.
:type name: str
:param name: Name of request
if name in blocks.REQUESTS:
blocks.REQUESTS = {}
blocks.CURRENT = None
#raise sex.SullyRuntimeError(“blocks.REQUESTS ALREADY EXISTS: %s” % name)
blocks.REQUESTS[name] = Request(name)
blocks.CURRENT = blocks.REQUESTS[name]
初始化一个请求的块,并且根据参数name来进行块的命名和之后的使用,并且填充blocks,blocks.REQUESTS 是一个类,有这些元素
self._name = name
self.label = name # node label for graph rendering.
self.stack = [] # the request stack.
self.block_stack = [] # list of open blocks, -1 is last open block.
self.closed_blocks = {} # dictionary of closed blocks.
# dictionary of list of sizers / checksums that were unable to complete rendering:
self.callbacks = collections.defaultdict(list)
self.names = {} # dictionary of directly accessible primitives.
self._rendered = “” # rendered block structure.
self._mutant_index = 0 # current mutation index.
self._element_mutant_index = None # index of current mutant element within self.stack
self.mutant = None # current primitive being mutated.
这是s_string的部分内容,其实里面都是一些定义好的数据,当然我们也可以为他扩充一些算法和变异数据来满足我们不同的FUZZ需求,s_delim则是对一些符号进行变异,我们这里的实现是s_delim(” “),我们来看下对于空字符是怎么处理的
如果value是“ ”, 就会加入\t 这个变异数据,其原因是boofuzz作者认为空格和\t(制表符)有相似的功能吧?
def connect(self, src, dst=None, callback=None):
Create a connection between the two requests (nodes) and register an optional callback to process in between
transmissions of the source and destination request. Leverage this functionality to handle situations such as
challenge response systems. The session class maintains a top level node that all initial requests must be
connected to. Example::
sess = sessions.session()
sess.connect(sess.root, s_get(“HTTP”))
If given only a single parameter, sess.connect() will default to attaching the supplied node to the root node.
This is a convenient alias and is identical to the second line from the above example::
If you register callback method, it must follow this prototype::
def callback(target, fuzz_data_logger, session, node, edge, *args, **kwargs)
Where node is the node about to be sent, edge is the last edge along the current fuzz path to “node”, session
is a pointer to the session instance which is useful for snagging data such as session.last_recv which contains
the data returned from the last socket transmission and sock is the live socket. A callback is also useful in
situations where, for example, the size of the next packet is specified in the first packet. As another
example, if you need to fill in the dynamic IP address of the target register a callback that snags the IP
from sock.getpeername()[0].
src (str or Request (pgrah.Node)): Source request name or request node
dst (str or Request (pgrah.Node), optional): Destination request name or request node
callback (def, optional): Callback function to pass received data to between node xmits. Default None.
pgraph.Edge: The edge between the src and dst.
# if only a source was provided, then make it the destination and set the source to the root node.
if dst is None:
dst = src
src = self.root
# if source or destination is a name, resolve the actual node.
if type(src) is str:
src = self.find_node(“name”, src)
if type(dst) is str:
dst = self.find_node(“name”, dst)
# if source or destination is not in the graph, add it.
if src != self.root and not self.find_node(“name”,
if self.find_node(“name”, is None:
# create an edge between the two nodes and add it to the graph.
edge = Connection(,, callback)
return edge
def fuzz(self):
“””Fuzz the entire protocol tree.
Iterates through and fuzzes all fuzz cases, skipping according to
self.skip and restarting based on self.restart_interval.
If you want the web server to be available, your program must persist
after calling this method. helpers.pause_for_signal() is
available to this end.
self.total_mutant_index = 0
self.total_num_mutations = self.num_mutations()
来源 2019-04-12 10:43:16 by: j0hnShi